Tomorrow is the first day of February. This year is flying by! I stopped by my classroom today to make a few copies and prepare. It is amazing what I can do in a very focused hour and a half. One of my favorite things about starting a new month or a new unit is filling up my thematic bookshelf. In my room, I call it our triangle book shelf. Books are only on this shelf during the unit of study and then put away. Having a shelf full of high interest books is a huge motivator for my students. Personally, I love when it looks all organized and pretty. However, by 8:30 tomorrow morning, many books will be gone and those that are left will be askew. My students this year have learned to love books and that is worth a disorganized shelf. I am creating book monsters and that is okay! Check out a picture of the pretty shelf below. The units of study coming up in my classroom include: Groundhog's Day, 100th Day, Valentine's Day, and Black History Month. Teaching about Ruby Bridges is one of my favorites and I cannot wait for it this month. Have a great week!
